October Bulletin and Newsletter

DW 6298984 (crop) In this month’s Bulletin we cover the ethics of war and a conference on peace, we ask whether Jesus should be available on prescription, and whether the technology of the future will eliminate human frailties and turn us into superhuman cyborgs. In my Letter you'll find out how you can alleviate a lifetime's suffering for the price of a stay in a luxury hotel.

Also, please remember to return last month’s Questionnaire, if you haven't done so already, as your responses really will help us tailor Dorset Humanists’ future plans and activities according to the wishes of our members and supporters.

We look forward to seeing you at one of our lively, friendly, and occasionally controversial meetings.

See you soon,

David Warden
Chair, Dorset Humanists

Click here to view our forthcoming and recent events.

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