Tuesday 29th November 2011 1.00pm repeated at 6:30pm
Bournemouth Reform Synagogue, 53 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, BH1 3PA
Dorset Humanists have been invited to the signing ceremony of the Interfaith ‘Big Green Believers’ Agreement’ on Tuesday 29th November 2011. The ‘Big Green Believers’ Agreement’ commits the signatories and/or their communities to engaging in measurable actions in terms of sustainability. Although Dorset Humanists aren’t directly involved in this agreement, as it is primarily a faith groups’ initiative, we are supportive of the agreement’s environmental aims.
Environmentalist and author, Mayer Hillman, will be guest speaker and his talk is entitled: ‘Climate change: are we prepared to meet the challenge sufficiently?' Mayer is a leading proponent of carbon rationing and Chair of the Global Commons Trust.
There will be one event during the day from 1:00-3:00pm, and a repeat in the evening from 6:30-8:30pm.
We will need to let the Rabbi know who will be attending, so please message David Warden at chairman(at)dorsethumanists.co.uk if you’d like to come along. Attendees are requested to bring identification.
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