October Bulletin

DWDorset Humanists is hosting an eclectic array of interesting events this autumn including talks on trauma and resilience, architecture, non-religious poetry, and the evolution of religion. You'll find full details in this month's Bulletin.

If you live within striking of distance of Wareham you may like to come along to one of our dialogue events with local Christians. This group is called 'Out of the Box' and this month we will be discussing the controversial topic of religion in schools.

Our joint event with Sunday Assembly on the topic of refugees was moving and informative, as was our Transgender Awareness evening. You'll find reports of these and other events in the Bulletin too.

Our 20th anniversary is approaching and we invite our members and supporters to join us for some poetry, music, reminiscences, and refreshments at the Green House Hotel on 23rd November.

If you haven’t already picked up a copy of our new autumn events programme at one of our events, you may like to download a copy here.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

David Warden
Chair of Dorset Humanists


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