Ethics & Economics: Does it have to either/or?

Economist Henri Ruff witnessed at first hand the devastating impact of unpayable debt in 1980s Warsaw. During his 25 year career in banking and financial services, which included third world debt negotiations, mergers & acquisitions lending, and lobbying on behalf of international banks, he became disturbingly aware of what they don’t teach you about ethics when it comes to learning about economics. 

For the past fifteen years, Henri Ruff has worked as a tutor for the Open University Business School and since moving to Dorset he has been leading a weekly U3A discussion group on ‘Everyday Economics’. 

This talk will address two main questions: where does ethics belong in economics and how can ethics be applied to economics? Instead of providing definitive answers, however, Henri’s aim is to stimulate informed and independent thought.

When? Saturday 10th November 2.00-4.30pm

Where? Moordown Community Centre, Coronation Avenue BH9 1TW

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