Short Talks: Jordan Peterson and the Perils of Political Correctness


Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM


Green House Hotel, 4 Grove Road · Bournemouth BH1 3AX


Love him or hate him, Jordan Peterson has made a name for himself as a ‘global intellectual’ with millions of followers on YouTube and as the author of a best-selling book ’12 Rules for Life’. Peterson excoriates what he describes as ‘postmodern neo-Marxism’ and he has a lot to say about the so-called crisis of masculinity in the modern world.

Simon Whipple and David Warden will present their short talks on Jordan Peterson with a particular emphasis on political correctness, feminism, and gender roles.

Each talk/presentation will be around 20 minutes followed by questions and discussion.


Please contact me if you have any topic on which you would like to contribute a short talk. It can be about some experience you have had, some work that you do, or perhaps something you have read or seen. We'd all like to hear about it and discuss it! Experience of preparing or giving presentations is not essential - we can help.

We would like to cover our venue costs for this event and so request a (voluntary) contribution of about £2 or 3 please on the night.

Phil Butcher

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